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These stats are all unbuffed. Diviner can cast level 7 creature spells adding between 40 and 70 points to any skill.

OK, I'll be honest. Diviner was created back when I first created my account. He was designed to hold stuff and be able to tell what it was he was looking at. I had no idea that he would become as powerful or as useful as he has become. Thanks to a well thought out and set up allegiance tree Diviner became a very, very powerful mule indeed. He can summon a portal unbuffed he can glance at anything in the game and ID it without needing to buff or cast true value. There is probably no better "designed from the ground up to be a mule" mule in the game on any of the worlds.

Presently Diviner holds mostly jewlery and clothing of the arcane lore type and he has four packs of jewlery and clothing ranging from a few low-level items for vassals all the way up to level five and six items. Most of the items are level IV which I find useful to use as dungeon gear (I never cringe if I loose a level IV item).

The developers have hinted that they will be making apprasial skills important to future quests and events by creating items which are very hard to identify but once identified give some clue or explination of how to participate in the new event or quest. If this should come to pass you'll find diviner of unparalleled use.

Below I've included Diviner's Inventory courtesy of ImpInventory and Phatlewt.

Of note in this Inventory:

Uninscribed Hoary Mattkear Robe
Aerfelle's Pallium (Quest Object)
Staff of Aerfelle (Quest Object)
Geldite Robe (Quest Object)

Icon Type AL Spells Diff Requirements Blud Pierc Slash Fire Cold Acid Light MMana ItemName Value Burden Location
Head 30 Leadership VI 274 A A AA N N BA N 780 Silver Crown 5583 800 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Robe 40
0 A A AA BA U A U 0 Hoary Mattekar Robe 4000 1300 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 1)

Icon Spell Position Diff Race MaxMana ItemName Value Location
Acid Prot. V Head 201 1000 Silk Qafiya 5158 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Acid Prot. V Pants 215 854 Satin Pants 3749 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 4)
Alchemy IV Head 154 434 Silk Cap 2363 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 4)
Arcane Enlightenment Self V Bracelet 191 1247 Gold Heavy Bracelet 5319 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Arcane Enlightenment Self VI Bracelet 237 1478 Ivory Heavy Bracelet 4940 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 1, Col: 3)
Armor Exp. VI Ring 262 1712 Zircon Ring 5920 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Armor Self I Bracelet 2 217 Ivory Bracelet 832 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 2)
Armor Self I Shirt 1 105 Wool Shirt 246 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 1)
Armor Self III Shirt 141 392 Satin Tunic 1009 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Armor Self IV Ring 138 1300 Zircon Ring 4966 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Armor Self V Bracelet 182 1040 Gold Bracelet 6145 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 5)
Armor Self V Bracelet 183 1467 Gold Bracelet 5198 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 1, Col: 4)
Armor Self V Bracelet 200 1247 Gold Heavy Bracelet 4739 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 3)
Armor Self V Bracelet 187 867 Green Garnet Heavy Bracelet 4791 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Armor Self V Neck 196 1494 Silver Gorget 10212 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Armor Self V Neck 52(R7) 1247 Gold Gorget 4811 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 1)
Armor Self V Pants 203 960 Velvet Pants 3266 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Armor Self V Pants 181 667 Silk Trousers 2524 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 1)
Armor Self V Pants 184 514 Velvet Breeches 1830 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 1, Col: 5)
Armor Self V Pants 195 607 Silk Breeches 2762 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Armor Self V Ring 187 1040 Gold Ring 5666 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Armor Self V Shirt 218 467 Silk Shirt 2186 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Armor Self V Shirt 153 Aluvian 400 Velvet Shirt 1915 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 3)
Armor Self V Shirt 197 560 Satin Doublet 2319 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 1, Col: 1)
Armor Self VI Ring 239 1401 Copper Ring 3457 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 2)
Armor Self VI Shirt 254 872 Satin Shirt 11689 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 4)
Blade Prot. V Bracelet 183 800 Silver Heavy Bracelet 3262 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Blade Prot. VI Shirt 263 856 Velvet Shirt 2842 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Bludgeoning Prot. IV Ring 149 1067 Black Garnet Ring 3194 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Bludgeoning Prot. V Head 219 467 Velvet Turban 1961 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Bludgeoning Prot. V Pants 213 467 Velvet Breeches 1893 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 0)
Bludgeoning Prot. V Shirt 153 Aluvian 514 Satin Tunic 2201 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 2)
Bludgeoning Prot. VI Ring 272 1774 Silver Ring 6138 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Bow IV Hand 106 Aluvian 550 Satin Gloves 2422 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 3)
Cold Prot. III Head 103 480 Silk Turban 1984 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 3)
Cold Prot. V Pants 196 800 Silk Pants 3705 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 4)
Cold Prot. V Pants 142 Gharu'ndim 780 Silk Pantaloons 3124 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Cold Prot. V Shirt 208 441 Satin Shirt 2633 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Cold Prot. VI Neck 267 1494 Copper Heavy Necklace 5247 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Cooking IV Head 145 667 Velvet Cap 2691 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 1, Col: 4)
Crossbow V Hand 201 400 Leather Gloves 1084 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Fealty IV Neck 146 600 Brass Necklace 1470 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 1, Col: 5)
Fire Prot. V Shirt 138 Aluvian 560 Silk Doublet 2539 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Fire Prot. VI Pants 271 809 Silk Trousers 3045 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 1, Col: 2)
Flame III, Frost Lure II 50 360 Gelidite Robe 1350 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 5)
Fletching IV Head 156 534 Linen Kasa 1115 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Focus Other V, Aerfalle's Ward, Willpower Other V, Arcane Enlightenment Other VI Robe 275 855 Aerfalle's Pallium 10710 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Focus Self V Head 181 467 Satin Cap 1711 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 3)
Healing IV Hand 159 400 Linen Gloves 858 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Healing V Hand 186 587 Gromnie Hide Gloves 2838 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 4)
Item Expertise Self V Ring 182 1681 Gold Ring 6886 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 5)
Item Expertise Self VI Ring 248 1634 Gold Ring 6246 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Lightning Prot. IV Bracelet 162 1223 Bronze Heavy Bracelet 2632 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Lightning Prot. V Pants 138 Gharu'ndim 560 Satin Pantaloons 2437 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Lightning Prot. V Pants 157 Gharu'ndim 867 Silk Pantaloons 3076 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 1)
Lightning Prot. V Shirt 141 Gharu'ndim 734 Satin Shirt 2490 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Lightning Prot. VI Neck 273 1525 Gold Heavy Necklace 17730 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Lightning Prot. VI Shirt 239 561 Silk Tunic 2487 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 1, Col: 4)
Lockpick IV Hand 143 550 Leather Gloves 1431 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 4, Col: 3)
Lockpick IV Hand 147 501 Silk Gloves 2253 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 0)
Lockpick VI Hand 275 708 Silk Gloves 2722 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 4, Col: 2)
MR V Bracelet 193 880 Silver Heavy Bracelet 4688 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 3)
MR V Head 211 480 Satin Cap 1990 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 1, Col: 4)
MR V Neck 191 1100 Gold Gorget 7726 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 1)
MR V Neck 213 1300 Gold Gorget 8162 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 1)
MR V Neck 194 1647 Pyreal Necklace 7865 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 3)
MR V Ring 211 1600 Ivory Ring 5292 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 1, Col: 3)
MR V Ring 220 1101 Copper Ring 2886 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 1)
Magic Item Expertise Self VI Bracelet 269 1992 Opal Heavy Bracelet 8041 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Mana Conversion V Neck 184 1394 Silver Necklace 4425 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 4)
Mana Conversion V Neck 216 1681 Gold Heavy Necklace 18053 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Mana Conversion V Ring 198 1174 Green Garnet Ring 5303 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 1, Col: 4)
Mana Conversion VI Ring 229 942 Gold Ring 4406 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Mana Renewal Self V Neck 216 1101 Gold Heavy Necklace 5792 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 3)
Mana Renewal Self VI Neck 233 1626 Gold Amulet 6682 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 4, Col: 3)
Mana Renewal Self VI Neck 230 1494 Gold Heavy Necklace 6999 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Person Attunement Other IV, Deception Mastery Other IV Ring 150 374 Ring of the Watchman 3798 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 13, Col: 4)
Piercing Prot. III Pants 91 400 Satin Pants 1033 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Piercing Prot. V Head 151 Gharu'ndim 734 Velvet Qafiya 2339 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Piercing Prot. V Shirt 162 Gharu'ndim 600 Silk Shirt 2867 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 2)
Piercing Prot. V Shirt 207 867 Satin Tunic 3870 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Piercing Prot. VI Pants 272 700 Velvet Pants 3318 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Piercing Prot. VI Pants 273 685 Silk Pants 2657 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Piercing Prot. VI Shirt 269 911 Velvet Tunic 4711 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 0)
Quick IV Feet 154 489 Velvet Slippers 2344 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Quick V Feet 158 Aluvian 467 Armoredillo Hide Shoes 3237 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Quick V Feet 199 560 Reed Shark Hide Shoes 4627 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Quick V Feet 137 Gharu'ndim 441 Reed Shark Hide Sandals 2837 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Quick V Neck 190 807 Gold Gorget 4449 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Quick VI Feet 256 778 Leather Shoes 1929 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Rejuv V Bracelet 54(R7) 1280 Silver Heavy Bracelet 6696 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Rejuv V Bracelet 219 1214 Ivory Heavy Bracelet 4877 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Rejuv V Neck 214 1360 Silver Gorget 5153 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Rejuv V Neck 194 1440 Copper Gorget 4441 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Rejuv VI Ring 253 1774 Silver Ring 6116 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Sprint Self V Feet 158 Sho 867 Silk Slippers 4562 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Sprint Self V Feet 157 Aluvian 661 Leather Shoes 1608 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 2)
Staff VI Hand 272 1120 Leather Gloves 3554 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Str V Neck 53(R6) 1467 Steel Heavy Necklace 4117 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 2)
Str V Ring 196 954 Silver Ring 4926 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 3)
UA IV Hand 156 751 Gromnie Hide Gloves 5995 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 5)
Weap. Exp. V Head 200 441 Satin Cap 1804 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 4)
Weap. Exp. VI Head 253 654 Silk Cap 2600 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 3)

Icon 1st Spell Other Spells Diff MaxMana ItemName Value Location
Arcane Enlightenment Self V Force Bolt III 198 875 Silver Wand 5105 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 1, Col: 3)
Arcane Enlightenment Self V Whirling Blade III 198 642 Ruby Sceptre 7033 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 1, Col: 5)
Arcane Enlightenment Self V Lightning Bolt V 199 695 Copper Sceptre 2381 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 0)
Arcane Enlightenment Self V Regeneration Other IV 201 1223 Silver Orb 5739 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Arcane Enlightenment Self VI Force Bolt IV 248 667 Sunstone Staff 5128 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Creature Enchantment IV Regeneration Other IV 137 1556 Green Jade Orb 3922 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 1)
Creature Enchantment IV Whirling Blade III 155 334 Ruby Staff 3646 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Creature Enchantment V Willpower Other V 195 1667 Black Opal Orb 4827 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Creature Enchantment V Fealty Other IV 203 1334 Pyreal Orb 6132 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Creature Enchantment V Force Bolt IV 213 934 Aquamarine Wand 6514 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 1, Col: 5)
Creature Enchantment V Force Bolt IV 217 867 Silver Staff 5587 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 2, Col: 4)
Creature Enchantment VI Shock Wave III 233 459 Green Jade Staff 3976 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 4, Col: 4)
Creature Enchantment VI Willpower Other III 249 1000 Marble Orb 6133 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 0)
Creature Enchantment VI Lightning Bolt II 269 747 Black Garnet Wand 4696 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Healing VI Heal Other VI 105 1200 The Healer's Heart 5400 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 2, Col: 5)
Healing VI Heal Other VI 105 1200 The Healer's Heart 5400 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 3, Col: 0)
Item Enchantment IV Frost Bolt IV 138 734 Bloodstone Sceptre 2303 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Item Enchantment IV Frost Bolt III 143 550 Steel Staff 1794 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 4, Col: 2)
Item Enchantment IV Revitalize Other II 143 667 Sunstone Orb 2563 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 4, Col: 4)
Item Enchantment V Heal Other IV 216 1445 Red Jade Orb 6129 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Item Enchantment V Force Bolt IV 220 734 Yellow Topaz Staff 4501 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Item Enchantment VI Acid Stream II 236 506 White Sapphire Wand 6977 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 1, Col: 2)
Item Enchantment VI Willpower Other IV 252 1467 Diamond Orb 8004 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 2, Col: 1)
Item Enchantment VI Acid Stream IV 269 1245 Sapphire Sceptre 9805 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 3, Col: 1)
Item Enchantment VI Whirling Blade IV 270 867 Pyreal Staff 6632 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 5, Col: 0)
Leadership Mastery Other V, Life Magic Mastery Other V, War Magic Mastery Other V Acid Streak V 120(R1) 2975 Staff of Aerfalle 10150 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 2, Col: 3)
Life Magic I Mana Renewal Other I 1 300 Brass Orb 841 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 2, Col: 3)
Life Magic I Shock Wave I 2 175 Copper Wand 605 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 0)
Life Magic IV Regeneration Other IV 145 1200 Ivory Orb 3323 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 1, Col: 3)
Life Magic IV Acid Stream IV 158 489 Ruby Staff 5014 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Life Magic IV Flame Bolt II 161 200 Bloodstone Staff 1148 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 2)
Life Magic V Force Bolt IV 181 556 Green Garnet Wand 3521 Diviner-Full (Pack:1,Row: 4, Col: 4)
Life Magic V Acid Stream III 199 734 Ivory Wand 3407 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 0)
Life Magic V Frost Bolt IV 199 489 Red Garnet Staff 3761 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Life Magic V Frost Bolt IV 204 856 Silver Sceptre 3403 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Life Magic V Heal Other IV 204 2023 Gold Orb 8167 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 5)
Life Magic V Mana Renewal Other V 204 2723 Yellow Topaz Orb 9738 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 3)
Life Magic V Mana Renewal Other II 211 934 Pyreal Orb 8083 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 4, Col: 1)
Life Magic V Mana Renewal Other V 211 2139 Alabaster Orb 6031 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Life Magic VI Flame Bolt IV 231 1167 Peridot Wand 11434 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 4, Col: 2)
Life Magic VI Flame Bolt III 234 584 Ruby Sceptre 5347 Diviner-Full (Pack:6,Row: 1, Col: 1)
Malediction, Concentration Brilliance 121 13131 Focusing Stone 3000 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 1)
Mana Conversion V Shock Wave V 208 1042 Silver Staff 8036 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 4, Col: 0)
Mana Renewal Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI War Magic Mastery Other VI 100 700 Staff of Clarity 2000 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: 5)
War Magic IV Shock Wave II 136 584 Fire Opal Sceptre 6879 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 5)
War Magic IV Shock Wave III 136 459 Sapphire Staff 5251 Diviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 4, Col: 3)
War Magic V Shock Wave V 183 764 Gold Staff 7476 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 1, Col: 3)
War Magic V Whirling Blade V 184 764 Peridot Sceptre 3910 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 0)
War Magic V Acid Stream II 188 520 Peridot Staff 8237 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 3)
War Magic V Acid Stream II 190 320 Silver Staff 6539 Diviner-Full (Pack:3,Row: 2, Col: 4)
War Magic V Acid Stream IV 197 1423 Jet Wand 6979 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 1, Col: 2)
War Magic V Acid Stream V 200 1112 Silver Staff 8284 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 2, Col: 2)
War Magic V Shock Wave II 202 514 Black Opal Sceptre 3968 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 1)
War Magic V Focus Other IV 203 1467 Obsidian Orb 5158 Diviner-Full (Pack:5,Row: 3, Col: 2)
War Magic VI Lightning Bolt III 226 934 Ivory Sceptre 5346 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 3, Col: 4)
War Magic VI Lightning Bolt III 229 600 Gold Staff 5611 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 4, Col: 1)
War Magic VI Rejuvenation Other V 54(R8) 2001 Imperial Topaz Orb 11099 Diviner-Full (Pack:4,Row: 1, Col: 1)
Wizard's Lesser Intellect Mana Renewal Self IV 100 400 Essence Flare 600 Diviner-Full (Pack:2,Row: 2, Col: 4)

Icon Spell School Location
Alchemy Mastery Self VICreature MagicDiviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Cooking Mastery Self VICreature MagicDiviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)
Focus Self VICreature MagicDiviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 3, Col: 4)
Leadership Mastery Self VICreature MagicDiviner-Full (Pack:M,Row: 1, Col: -1)